Senior Portraits

How much does it cost?

I can understand that question. With so many photographers out there now a days there is a wide range of experience and styles.

Picking a photographer based on being the cheapest isn’t always best. You want to pick a photographer that creates photographs in a style that you love and that you can see hanging in your home for all your family and friends to see.

And depending on what you are wanting and needing will affect the investment. I have several starter packages. My basic starter package for about $350 includes the photography session, an 8x10 print and some custom announcement cards.

Custom Graduation Invitation

Custom Graduation Anouncements

Custom Graduation Anouncements

From there you can add on more products to work with what feel you need and that works with your budget. Like,

How long is the session?

I try to keep the photography session about 90 minutes, but sometimes I’ve been known to lose track of time if everyone is having fun.

Now 90 minutes may seem like a long time, but I have never had anyone complain about it being too long. Since I do things differently than a lot of photographers in the area is another reason the time flies by. For one I’m not one just to show up with a camera, I bring helper lights. I don’t want to rely on the sky and sun being in the right place.
And I love colors that pop. If it’s a very cloudy day or if I’m working in the shade then there is nothing to excite the red, orange and yellow colors.

Another thing is that since I’m not creating these photographs at an inside studio with backdrops, it takes me some time to move lights around. Making sure I’m getting the best light that will direct your eyes around the photograph.

How many outfits?

I don’t have an official limit on outfits, but if you have too many outfits you will be overwhelmed with the number of photographs that you will love. Making it harder to stay within your budget. So, what I recommend is try to keep it to around 2~3 outfits and then the cap and gown. That usually works well.

I do have some solid-colored caps and gowns. But some of these schools are starting to have multicolored gowns which is making it hard to get. So don’t let me forget to ask you about what your school colors are.

How many locations?

Normally three locations work well. But depending on your situation, that can vary. But again, too many and you will be overwhelmed with the number of photographs that you will love.

Keeping with the theme of Senior Portraits, I love to create some photographs with the school involved. The front entrance of the school, and then normally something around the football field with the score board or press box.

And then for a third location, I want something that is special to your senior. Like themed around one their hobbies or just something they love to do.

When should we start?

Since my studio is normally outside and I only do photography sessions on the weekends, I like to start planning the photography session as early as possible in the school year. This way if the weather doesn’t cooperate, we still have time to reschedule the session.

My cut of date, to make sure I can get you photographs in time to send them out with your graduation announcements, is around the beginning of March, usually the end of spring break. Any later than that and I cannot promise you will have photographs in time to mail with your announcements.

Custom Graduation cards

Custom Graduation Invitation

To get this started, or if you have more questions, I really need you to email me or better yet give me a call this evening at 281-344-7729.

I’m looking forward to being your photographer,


Roy Kasmir
Photographic Artist

PS. One more thing - and it's important - another one of the things that separates me from all the other photographers in the area is my guarantee. I absolutely guarantee you will be THRILLED (not just "satisfied") with your portraits or I will do whatever is necessary to see to it you are THRILLED, or I will give you all your money back. No hassles and no hard feelings either. If you're not THRILLED, I don't deserve to be paid. That's just the honest way I feel about my photography.

Plus, no one is going to throw their heart & soul into creating YOUR portraits like I am - a portrait where you look fantastic and perfectly natural. It will be my honor.

So, give me a call now at 281-344-7729 and let's talk about what I can create for you!

senior photo photographer
Give me a call:
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My Studio is Based in:

Needville Tx 77461, in Fort Bend County just outside of Sugar Land, not far from SW Houston.

Best times to contact me:

Is on Saturday in the afternoons, any time on Sundays or in the evenings during the week. If I can't get to the phone, PLEASE leave me a message with your contact number and I will call you back just as soon as I can.

Check out more of my work and Follow me on:
Senior Pictures