Seniors of Class of 2019, YOU DID IT! All the hard work and longs days have paid off! This chapter of your life is over and your next one is just beginning... MAKE IT A GREAT ONE!

Now for the Seniors Class of 2020. This is going to be a very busy and fun year for you! Now is a great time to start thinking about Senior Portraits. No, it’s not too early, just ask one of the moms of a senior from 2019 they will tell you how fast this year will go by.

If you’re looking just to have an average" portrait created - one which is stiff, un-natural; one where you looks stressful and your expressions are bad; one where you feel so hectic that you can hardly smile; one where you're just "glad it's over"; one where you end up not liking any of the images - say nothing of LOVING them ….

…. Then this post is not for you. I'm sorry for wasting your time. Please read no further.


…if you're wanting your senior portrait to be PERFECT and express you at this moment in your life - if you want to LOVE the way you look; if you want to have that PERFECT, natural, lovely expression on your face; and if you want to honestly be THRILLED when you first see your images....

… Then we really need to talk! My name is Roy Kasmir and I love creating beautiful senior portraits! I’ve devoted over a decade of my life to it – and I’m loving every moment of it!

If you still reading this, that means you really want something special for your Senior Portraits. I urge you not to trust this once-in-a-lifetime portrait to just anyone. You obviously want something truly amazing and meaningful. I will love talking with you about your portraits - for no charge and no obligation, of course! Just pick up the phone and call me at 281-344-7729. Then we can talk all about your senior portrait, what's most important to you about your portrait, where you'd like the images created, and so much more! It will be my pleasure to talk with you and help you in any way I can.