For this photoshoot I wanted to create with these photographs was a natural looking light with a blurry background. I did want to use some light, just enough to get a catch-light in my model’s eyes.

But that kind of change as the wind started to pick up. I didn’t feel like worrying if my strobe lights were going to blow over. So, no strobe lights today and to make it even simpler… no tripod either, I’ll just hold the camera today.

Since I just had my camera with me, and not all my gear as normal, I was able to walk around more and was able to create photographs in several locations. But mostly I stayed around the hay meadow.

Now, since I was wanting that blurry background and the sun was coming out every now and then I decided to use a ND filter to cut the light down some.

While I thought I had worked with everyone, as I uploaded the photos to my computer, I realized I had only got to work with seven of the models. And one of those had to chase me down. Hopefully I’ll next time I’ll get to work with every model.

As the day went on, the clouds keep getting heavier and heavier. Then as a few drops of rain started to fall I was kind of happy that I didn’t have my strobe lights to worry about. They don’t like rain.

Eventually the clouds got so heavy they blocked enough light that I had to remove the ND filter from my lens.

One of the great things about this photoshoot was it showed that to great some create photographs you don’t need a lot of fancy props, most of these were just created in an open hay field with an old chair.

If I could have done one thing different it would have been to get just a little light in their eyes to make them pop.

But even with all the wind and the little rain it was another great photoshoot hosted by Texas Photo Shoot Workshops at Binders Gardens in Needville.

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